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Introductory Pharmacoeconomics


November 09, 2020 - 19:00 - 20:00

Topic Description :

Introductory Pharmacoeconomics

Learning Objectives

  • Why health economics?
  • What is value in health?
  • Theory and practice (Cost-effectiveness; Cost-utility; Cost-benefit)
  • Measures & valuation of health status
  • Measuring and costing health resource utilization
  • Elements essential to a published pharmacoeconomics paper

Speaker :


Björn Vandewalle

Björn Vandewalle has a PhD Mathematics from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. He has experience in leading teams of health economic modellers and statisticians in a variety of projects, both national and international, using techniques going from simple Markov modelling, over discrete event, agent-based and system dynamics modelling, survival analysis, extreme value statistics, data envelopment analysis, indirect treatment comparisons and network meta-analysis. He is currently vice-director at Exigo responsible for science and innovation.