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Fertility trends in the 21st century. Modern approach

Family Medicine

November 02, 2020 - 19:00 - 20:00

Topic Description :

Fertility trends in the 21st century. Modern approach

Learning Objectives:
Once we realize that the 1 st IVf world baby was delivered over 30 years, we then understand how things have changed in the IVF World.

In my presentation I  will  try to give you a summary of the biggest  changes and modern  trends in  ART field.  Below are the  4 new trends we will discuss:

  • Vitrification
  • Time Lapse Incubators
  • Freeze all
  • PGT-A

Speaker :


Dr. Ramón Aurell

Medical Director of the Assisted Reproduction Unit,
Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona