Hospital emergency preparedness for COVID-19 Pandemic
Innovation & Education
May 17,2020 - 15:00 - 16:00
Topic Description :
Hospitals are complex institutions that are dependent on the optimal performance of multifaceted components. In many countries, hospitals run at 90% occupancy or higher which is the average percentage for the efficient operation of hospitals. Any crises that cause a surge in the volume of admissions will result in capacity problems. Outbreaks, in this case, COVID-19 increased the demand for hospital services more than any other incident in recent history. This webinar will shed light on some key actions to be taken by hospital administrators to ensure hospital emergency preparedness in the event of disastrous situations.
Speakers :
Prof. Mustafa Hassan
Vice Chancellor for International Cooperation
About the Speaker
- Professor of Hospital Management and Public Health, Dr.PH, MSC, MPH, MBChB.
- Vice-Chancellor for International Cooperation at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University.
- Ex-Dean of the e-School of Health and Environmental Studies.
- Senior hospital management consultant to many healthcare organizations in the Middle East.